CONTENTS (abridged):
Introduction: hand and instrument – a strained relation?
B.„The instrument must almost become part of the player“
The development of the instruments – in consideration of the hand?
Adaption to the instrument: systematic and historical aspects
Keyboard instruments − string instruments − woodwind instruments − other instruments
Instruments for children
Unusual challenges to the human hand – a summary
C. Posture and movement: short physiology for musicians
Physiology for musicians?
Joints for mobility
Muscles for moving and holding
Joints and muscles: The game of forces and counteracting forces
Aiming movements: The chain-of-joints problem
D. The hand as tool: short anatomy for musicians
Anatomy for musicians?
Arm and hand: ancient concept – new challenge
When playing becomes painful: a checklist
Shoulder-region, elbow-region, wrist-region, hand and fingers
E. The instrument-specific investigation of the hand
F. How different are musicians' hands? – results of measurement
Which characteristics vary the most?
Handsize, handshape and mobility: inter-individual differences
Inference from one characteristic to another?
On alteration of the hand in the course of life
The constitution of the hand: predisposition? – changes by training?
G. musicians' hands – musicians' fates
Studying the individual case – hand profiles and backgrounds
„ …always had to work very hard." (pianist, 59 y., piano professor, K 68)
„Relaxation – I cannot hear that any longer! “(church music student, 26 y.)
„My efforts are out of proportion."(pianist, 27 y.)
„Sometimes I don't know any more how to move my fingers."(violinist, orchestra musician, 33 y.)
Change to the larger instrument (student oboe / English horn, 21 y.)
Teacher's hand - student's hand: "He simply doesn't understand me."(student piano, 27 y.)
Caution: subsidiary subject! (student bassoon, subsidiary subject piano, 22 y.)
Successful hands: Famous hands from past times − hand profiles of participants in international competitions
Focal dystonia
H. Decisions
The hand and the „whole“
When „is the hand in play“? long-term decisions − daily decisions
The pragmatic evaluation of the hand: Uncovering manual limitations by playing − recognizing manual limitations without the instrument − simplified measuring of hand size and span widths
Consequences from the evaluation of the hand: changing the approach to the instrument? − changing one's hand by training? − changing the instrument?
Appendix 1: Musicians' hands – statistic results
Appendix 2: Ranking of the coefficients of variation
Appendix 3: Intra-individual variation of the hand
Appendix 4: Childrens' hands − statistic results
Appendix 5: The technique of hand investigation
Register of sources,
illustrations and literature
Illustrations of anatomy
Form for hand investigation and 8 sheets for hand measurement